Wednesday, September 26, 2007

And Now For The Rest of the Story

With apologies to Paul Harvey....

I did have "so much to say" but so little time before we went off on a wonderful vacation to Maui. Now we're back and the jet lag has just about worn off. The photo at left is the view from the condo where we stayed looking across the ocean at the island of Lanai. I'm used to the mainland coasts where people usually build with a good sized buffer between them and the water. However, on the island the water line must be more consistent, and storms less severe as we were very close to the beach, and the beach is not very deep, either! Amazing!!
One of the other things I wanted to share before we left town was my finally discovering what several friends have talked about for years--Richard's Variety Store in Buckhead! What a throwback to my childhood--they even have the same shopping baskets (metal fold up with red and blue canvas sides) that the local five and dime had in my home town. Richard's doesn't have quite the variety old Switzes had in North Syracuse back in the 70's, but you'll find things there which you'll be hard pressed to find at Target or WalMart for sure. I got an old fashioned glass food storage container (no leaching plastics in leftovers, and oven safe, too,) a real Duncan yo-yo, a mini spirograph kit to take on vacation, and a couple of cute kid's book to read to our best little friends. From housewares, to classic toys, to gift ware you can find it there! Definitely worth a side trip next time you're going up or down Peachtree Street!!!

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