Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Helping the Animals

I've been turned on to a web site which I visit daily to help feed animals in shelters waiting for their forever homes. The motley crew here were all relegated to shelter life, for reasons not of their own making. People fall in love with puppies, but too often when the puppy gets to that "teenager" stage there is not enough patience in the household to help the dog through this awkward stage. Zoe was too small for a breeder to use, I guess, so she was sent to the Atlanta Humane Society. Better than being dropped out on a highway, at least. Winnie may have come from Louisiana as a result of Katrina (she was deathly ill with the canine flu which was going around in Florida and Louisiana) and her family may not have been able to keep her while trying to rebuild their lives. Talley had given birth to 5 litters for a breeder and had probably pushed her limit so was cast out into a shelter. All are wonderful souls I am blessed to share my life with. Other animals in shelters deserve the same chance to find the comfort of a loving home. Please help. Go to http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_021208_ARS and
click on the purple button at The Animal Rescue Site and give food to an animal living in a shelter or sanctuary
-- at no cost to you.
While you are there, check out the shopping options!! You can continue to support the shelters and get some cool stuff for you, your pets, and your friends. Additional charities also can be located from this site if you are more passionate about kids, trees, women to name a few.

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